Friday, July 6, 2012

High-Growth Industries

America’s growing reliance upon computer-based systems for communication, commerce and transportation has made the nation more vulnerable to cyber-attacks and cyber-crime. As the world and the economy become more digital, this will make cybersecurity one of the high-growth industries of the future. The worldwide nature of the internet means that cyber criminals can work from almost anywhere in the world to try to steal data, information and money. Identity theft and cyber-crime often go hand-in-hand, and a growing number of companies have emerged to help consumers and businesses secure their data from cyber-thieves and protect themselves against identity theft.

Today in America with Terry Bradshaw, a cable TV program, will introduce TV audiences across America to some of the leading companies in the growing cybersecurity industry, and inform them about ways to guard themselves against cyber-crime and identity theft. The Today in America television show will highlight different services offered by these companies and pass along advice from different cybersecurity experts across the country.

Today in America reviews innovations throughout the economy, and in different parts of American culture. Today in America TV showcases different breakthroughs and advances in the technology industry, the medical field and other parts of society. Today in America Terry Bradshaw also shines a light on business innovations across the economy.

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