Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today in America Reviews

The television program Today in America reviews promising developments in many different areas of American society, including health care, education, technology, and elsewhere. The Today in America Terry Bradshaw television show highlights breakthroughs and innovations across Canada and the United States, and around the world. Visit the show’s website,, or the show’s new YouTube channel to see a Today in America sample of the show’s diverse and upbeat programming. The show features veteran TV personality and long-time sportscaster Terry Bradshaw, who played professional football before launching his TV career in 1984. Bradshaw has worked for Fox Sports since the mid-1990s as a studio host and analyst.

The show shines a light on advances in a number of different fields, industries and sectors. The show’s associate producers and producers locate fascinating stories across the U.S. and Canada. Show episodes explore companies that have used innovative approaches to develop new products and services, and invent new technologies.

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